Batik Technique

The technique of batik goes in the stages of making a design, lightly mapping it out on the fabric with pencil then waxing it. The wax is typically bought as small beads that get melted in the electric pan or pot. It takes time for the wax to melt but once it's at a liquid consistency the work can get started. There's different tools of use for making batik, a selection of them are called Tjantings, these have wooden handles and a small copper pot at the end where it can leak out the nozzle. Some end shapes will give better results than others like the triple end prongs for a more dynamic effect. The last tool for batik is the common paint brush, the finer the tool the better as the wax seeps through the fabric, making a larger wax line than originally planned. After all the light pencil lines have been covered leave to dry and get all the necessary fabric paints to colour. The last stages once dry is ironing out the wax with an iron. Newsprint needs to cover over and under as the wax will reattach itself to another surface instead of fabric and then the piece is completely finished.

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