List of morals

I personally consider morals as the key role to any story you can possibly tell. I've decided to go through some of the lessons that I find significant to myself and I will see how successfully they can spin their own story. By researching into my own interests and hobbies I will see how I can tie it all effectively together and develop a tale. Everyone has their own personal interests and they are typically the best starting point that any story can have. As they can possibly lead you somewhere new and change how you may think about the world too.

Calvin and Hobbes; Moral relativism.

1. Moral: Overcoming own weaknesses and accepting your own flaws
2. Moral: Exploring the world and get a more enlightening perspective of it.
3. Moral: Everyone is unique and has their own talent.
4. Moral: Doing a favour for someone when they’re down is its own reward.
5. Moral: Jealousy and envy can take away what is important.
6. Moral: Never judge others based on their background or appearance.
7. Moral: Don’t shut yourself away, try to communicate with others in little ways.
8. Moral: Always try to think of the positive and negative effects of any decision you make.
9. Moral: Don’t let others push you to make choices, go your own pace and get some advice.
10. Moral:  Do the things in life that make you happy.
11. Moral: Running away from problems doesn't solve them.
12. Moral: There’s always a fear of the unknown, take a hurdle through it.
13. Moral: It’s okay to be different; the people who care for you will love you regardless.
14. Moral: Never doubt yourself.
15. Moral: What does it mean to lead people and you always need to look out for them.
16. Moral: Some people have struggles they can't help and you're not alone. 
17. Moral:  Don’t let things go beyond your control.
18. Moral: Question everything as knowledge can get you far.
19. Moral: Don’t leave your responsibilities till the last minute.
20. Moral: Small acts of kindness go a long way.
21. Moral: Always try to help out others where they need it.


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