Johnson Tsang

Johnson Tsang is a ceramic artist than doesn't let the material matter so much for his creations. Many artists would assume clay could only create rigid forms and shapes as most often pottery is constrained to just that. Tsang manages to make splash effects and detailed petals of roses that is probably quite fragile to the touch with its thinness, especially during its drying stages. Movement can be seen very often with his work as he doesn't let simple limitations stop him from making free and flowing pieces. Another thing that's focused upon is faces, human faces seem very prominent in many of his clay works, some unsettling when it's those marketed toy dolls that now have realistic baby faces on ball-jointed torsos. 
As an artist he does focus on the some of the Chinese culture with his his sculptures, he has made a few dragons that could be seen bursting out of the pottery or tightly coiling around pieces as they're strong viscous creatures. I intend on placing a dragon on my own teapot as I find they're significant to the culture. My choice in tea cup shape was also because of Johnson Tsang as its petite with no handle that can be held in the palm of your hand like a flower bud. This tea cup is frequently shown in his works, mostly with the series of water movement. 


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