Lino Prints

Three lino prints, two on a rubbery material, the last on a more plastic. When it comes to creating a good lino its about how steady the lines are and all the cut marks should be equal in depth. The actual prints made needed the paint to be smooth covered at the same consistency. Originally my idea for these prints was to engage them in the illustrations. As they didn't turn out as well I'd hoped I've decided not to involve them but the small red print seemed good enough to use in my ceramic tea set. The red and green prints are segments taken from background wall art in Chinese rooms, they still do have the style of the old photos and if there was more finesse I may have attempted an entire print of one the depicted scenes of the fairytale. The blue rose print is a central part of the story and all together I used the three prints to fill an entire sheet with. I wouldn't say that print making was a wasted effort despite all the problems, perhaps cutting work just needs more delicate attempts.

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