Cup Experiments

At the beginning of the project 'blue rose' I thought it best to experiment with how to successfully make the tea set with common methods I already learnt. The first image shown here was with rolling out a slab of clay, cutting it rectangular, connecting it in a circular shape and then fitting a round base. The handle was also made from cutting the slab. While this was the most successful, the shape had unfortunately caved and I felt the clay was far too thick. An idea I had after this was using a sharpie pen to draw the rose imagery, which worked well. 
The second technique was coil building, this took some time to make because the teacup shape I wanted to use wasn't entirely cooperative, I did try sketching a rose onto it while it was at a leather hard state and found it was more effective with coloured slip as shown on the last picture. 
The last method I tried was making a pinch pot, I managed to get it completely round with even thickness but pinch pot technique generally gives rough results, making the work seem slightly immature with finger markings. This could probably be worked on with time, though it's unlikely all the results will be the same. This is why I chose to try making a teacup plaster cast from a Chinese themed set to have something like a production line.  

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