Resin Casting Blue Roses

The steps taken for this process of resin casting was cutting a block of wood based on the size of what I wanted it to go around. Here the wood is cut for small ceramic roses similar to the larger one I've done before, the clay becomes less malleable the smaller it is and these roses are smaller than the palm of my hand so I thought resin would make them look better. The block of wood cut will need to be sanded well, especially around the edges as it could potently break the sheet when placed in the vacuum former. The block of wood should be slippery enough to wedge out of the mould and a screw inserted to pull it out without damaging the mould. After this point its about spraying the mould and making the resin mixture that gets poured in steadily. The resin should be poured in a vacuum degassing unit, as shown here with bubbles surfacing, it needed that done more because the resin is deep. 

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