Chinese Dragon

While trying different art styles of popular fantasy artists I decided to look back into my style I've used before and see if I could get any better outcomes. I found a small sketch I was working on which was this Chinese dragon to actually be better than everything else I've done so far, my style is more bold with the black lines and it simply looks better. Some of the artists I've researched that created patterns with details gave me an idea on what to work with, like the scales here are much like a pattern with how they repeat all over the body. This drawing isn't effectively tied with the story of the Blue Rose so I've sent it to go to Baileys with some other drawing I did after this one. It'll then be transferred onto a paper where the image can slide off and go onto my tea set making it all look more tied to the art concepts of China. From doing this I hope on trying ink drawing with my art style and seeing if I can continue to make it all more Chinese themed.

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