Blue Photography

These are some photos I did for photography, the work was done with one of my old film cameras. I searched around my house for items that I thought would look interesting for the black and white film and took the pictures. Some of them turned out much better than others in my opinion and I decided they needed to go with the blue theme afterwards. The task given was mainly about the melancholy atmosphere a picture could describe, with the items or by possibly playing with darkness and light. These images were then developed in the dark room with the developing film process we had learned about before hand. As there was no blue cyano-type I could use at the time I used a scanner printer instead, with the film placed in tray and opened it in Photoshop. One of the options in the photography section is cyano to colour it all like the blue dye.  All of this gradually gave the photos a more darker and perhaps creeper tone that fit with the given mood of melancholy .

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