Edmund Dulac

Paulina Drew Back the Curtain ~ from Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb 1909

Edmund Dulac is considered an impressionable artist for his fairytale illustrations and produced most of his illustrations during the war. His illustrations were featured in books ranging from Jane Eyre to mythical stories and were used on his own designed stamps. His primary focus in all of his illustrations is people and possible settings he can create. Colour is often the mood maker as the colour palette is often dim in tone and gives off a sombre feel to all the work produced.
Edmund Dulac is a well known artist for mostly his fairytale drawings, but his type of drawing seemed drawn to a more mythical style from the very beginning and that’s why this work in particular is so remembered. The lines and the colour scheme is what makes Dulacs work stand out differently from the rest, despite going into near realism with the drawings, it still appears less so when the lines stand out and detail is focused on a patterned outcome. The colours in their dimness have a splotchy effect that makes the work more old in appearance that shows up with the scratched line making of the illustration. Edmund Dulac made work that has an old weathered theme that now places itself well with how old the fairytales are as they've been passed down from generations.

 I intend to use Edmund Dulac as a source of inspiration for my work with his pattern like themes and practice more on colour to try and get a better result with my own art work. His art has paid attention to the Asian folklore stories, which could help me find some understanding of how to make my illustrations have more cultural influences as his own has done. Another idea is how best the approach mark making techniques for the best outcome and the shading for each piece. 

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