Kristy Patterson

Kristy Patterson has defiantly got an interesting style about all her work that looks high quality on her website. Patterson's blog updates quite regularly and currently the theme she has been using is similar to graffiti, but with ripped out dictionary pages rather than walls. All the pages she uses will be relevant to the picture painted upon it in some way. For instance the word artist can be found on the sheet where the font has been enlarged to stand out. These dictionary pages have the damaged with age appearance and as a result the drawing seem to be old as well, giving it a vintage feel. Kirsty Patterson uses a variety of drawing materials like sepia ink, pastels and coloured pencils that helps in lighting areas where it would only look dark on the paper. A skill that is difficult to do whilst still trying to make the writing behind visible.
Kirsty Patterson's art is inspiring to me, I would like to produce work similar to this on homage to letters. Words and images are relevant to both letters and the dictionary pages shown here as they involve the art of communication.

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Unknown said...

hi nugget sunday cream

Unknown said...

im unknown to man kind

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