Colour Project Sheets

These sheets are about taking all the objects from my colour collection and drawing them in multiple ways and interpretations. Each sheet had its theme to work with to make an outcome. 

The first sheet is what came out from the cut out stencils and they suited a black background. I tried to have a pattern with dark and light greens and experiment with the arrangement of sizes.
This sheet was continuing the idea of simplifying the objects to shapes by leaving them at a somewhat unfinished state. The inspiration for this came from Sonia Delaunay and by using bold blocked colours there is a certain retro feel to the sheet.
My green templates looked interesting all alighted and spaced but I found there was a completely different formula by having them scattered and overlapping as well. I decided that it was good enough to put down on paper.
This is more on just drawing what you see in front of you and making a unique composition for everything first.
Melissa Smith and Piet Mondrian have two very different and instinctive styles, I tried combining both of what that do together. The stencilling was a little splattered to match up to Smith's designs and Mondrian's theme was what boxed in everything.
This last sheet was about capturing every single object I collected and to make it all neat and illustrated.

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